Exclusive Services
We offer a style of horse riding that works for both horse and rider working minimally physically because it is based on balance understanding and trust.
Harmony Farm Rice Lake is all about empowerment for you and your horse. You are a team and as a team you will learn empathy and communication skills that you can enforce in your own life.
Empowerment isn't just about confidence, it is about understanding. We help you develop better listening skills, not just through your ears but you eyes and sense of touch.
We offer 6 week Beginner Intuitive Riding Programs at a 20% discount. That is only $336 for one lesson per week over a 6 week period.
What you will learn...how important your core is for balance and centring. You will be given exercises to achieve optimum performance in the saddle to help develop these core muscles. You will learn empathy and trust boosting confidence within you and your horse. Working through breathing exercises you will develop skills for dealing with stress for life. Through active listening you will learn how we don't just use our ears but our eyes and sense of touch too. No horse experience is necessary as you will be taught horse safety and why horses react the way they do. We teach children and adults. The benefits from horses are many but riding a horse is an experience that will send your heart soaring and leave you on cloud nine.
We offer Intuitive Riding Lessons for $70 per hour.
What you will learn...how to use your core more effectively and not need to rely on your hands. Develop a seat that goes with the horse but stays still as you absorb the horses motion within. Like a Centaur you will be one. You will perfect better balance and centring in the saddle reducing your need to use strong legs and strong hands. You will gain an empathy with your horse that you will transfer to life skills. You will perform exercises that will help strengthen your body kinetically for confidence in yourself that will be noticed.
We work with both children and adults for transferable skills that help empowerment in all areas of life. You will learn boundaries, when you're crossing them and when your horse is crossing them. Communication through active listening, body interpretation, do eyes deceive you? Are your ears really hearing or are you hearing what you want to?
Through exercises, challenges and experiential learning you and your horse will be set for anything.
Do You Know or Feel any of these Questions?
How is your horse communicating with you?
Understand the process of Licking and Chewing what does it really mean?
Why is my horse stomping his foot all the time?
Why does my horse continually stop?
Why is my horse spooking so much?
Why is my horse bolting?
My horse is strong even with a powerful bit? Does this mean his mouth is desensitized?
Why doesn't my horse listen to my legs even when I kick him?
Why do I feel like I'm bouncing in the saddle all the time?
Why is my horse nipping me?
Why is my horse so tight in certain movements?
Why is my horses tail always swishing even when there are no flies?
Why is my horses head so high?
How do I get my horse to stretch with his head down?
I feel that he is on the bit but he feels heavy in my hands, why?
I'm having problems getting my horse to step underneath himself, why?
How do I get my horse to not run around like a train?
What is more forward movement? We just get faster and it scares me.
What is suspension?
How do I get more suspension from my horse?
My horse seems to always be asleep, why?
My horse is so hot how do I settle him down?
I feel like a sack of potatoes, how do I get to feel more like an athlete?
I've been in all of the above situations and come out of them. I have moved forward knowing my horse is spectacular from the admiration and comments of others. I know how to get there and you will learn how to get there too.
A partnership like Alexander the Great had with his horse Bucephalus is at your fingertips. Don't let it pass you by, feel the empowerment and enjoy a relationship with your horse to match his.